Am I the coach for you?

Are you a high performer who sometimes feels you are getting in your own way?

Have you done what you can on your own? Have you read the books, done the workshops, etc. and you still feel that there is a dissonance within you that is holding you back?

Are you a problem solver that is willing to go deep and do the inner work and can usually figure stuff out on your own, and yet, you feel stuck in some places?

Are you working on some big dreams and intentions that aren’t completely clear and sometimes feel in conflict with each other?

Do you know that you have some big stuff to do and that when you do it, you will sometimes fall down? Do you feel you need someone that can remind you of what you are meant to do and help you get back up and keep going?

Do you love yourself enough to know that you can get help, that we are not built to do this alone?

Are you in need of some neutral support from someone not relationally, emotionally, financially or logistically tied to you? Someone who will hold space for you only?

Do you want a Life Doula? Someone who can give you the space you need to process? Someone one to breathe with you, listen to you, question you? Someone you can trust and know that everything you share is confidential. A safe space to bloom, crumble, molt, birth, renovate, excavate. Someone who is comfortable with the beautiful and the ugly.

And maybe, along the way to find a deeper connection with your True Self -- the highest expression of yourself, and what you are meant to contribute? That spirit that guides you from within? To increase your trust in your intuition - those little nudges and knowings you feel but doubt? If you are curious about the idea of inner-sourced growth, if you are interested in allowing your life to unfold by listening to your deep desires, and finding the courage to move toward your true, authentic self, if you are tired of beating yourself up and ignoring the longings of your soul - I may be the coach for you.

If any of this resonates with you. I may be just the coach you are looking for.

I am not the coach for you if...

You are not interested in exploring your depths.

You want someone to hold your hand and help you check items off a to-do list.

You want someone to join with you in kicking yourself in the ass.

How it works

Coaching is not about me solving your problems, although problems will be solved, it is about YOUR discovery, YOUR awareness and YOUR choices. As your coach, I will support you in finding your own answers, shine a light on the gremlins that are in your head, courageously hold you accountable for your actions and help you move towards living the highest expression of yourself.

I am so very interested in helping you discover that within you which longs to be expressed. Once you connect to that, you will uncover the answers that are right for you. I do most of my coaching over the phone or on Zoom. This allows me to work with people all over the country, and it relieves you of the effort of driving through traffic to get to your appointment, finding parking, etc.

I start all of my potential clients off with a 60 minute Compimentarty Discovery Session. In this session you will start to gain clarity about what you want and what may be standing in your way. This session will also set the foundation for our work together and give you sense of what it would be like working with me. I will then propose to you what approach I would recommend for you based on what I learn. After the first session we'll meet every two weeks for the period we agree on. Most clients find a few months is what they need, others chose ongoing support over a few years. It's all up to you. Coaching with me is $75 per hour and you will determine the length you want each session to be (1, 1 1/2, or 2 hours) for bi-weekly sessions.

Does this sound like the experience you're looking for? If so, email at or fill out the Discovery Session box that pops on on the website and we can set up a time.

Other ways to work with me

In addition to my 1 on 1 coaching I work with clients in several other ways. I am a certified Energy Leadership Index Practioner and offer the powerful Energy Leadership Assessment and Debrief (see Energy Tab.) I am certifed in Brené Brown's "The Daring Way™ curriculums which include Daring Greatly, Rising Strong and The Gifts of Imperfection and facilitate these life changing workshops in groups and 1/1 on the topics of courage, compassion and connection (see The Daring Way tab.) Lastly, I am a life long learner and love few things more than a great personal growth book. So one of my joys is my New Possibilities Book Study. We come together to read and discuss a book I select based on the opportunities it presents for insight and growth (see Book Study tab.)

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