New Possibilities Coaching Process
There are three stages you must move through to shift from being at the effect of your life to being the cause of it. With the New Possibilities Coaching Process, I help women work through these stages and create the life they truly want.
In Discovery, we assess the values, skills and beliefs that got you to the place you are now and are serving you or hindering your growth. We assess what you love about your life and career and what you wish you could change. We identify the gaps and get clear on what matters to you in all areas of your life.
In Breakthrough, we expose the limiting beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations that hold you back... that pesky little Gremlin in your head that tells you that you are not (good, smart, lovable, rich, etc.) “enough”. You will reclaim your power and create new thoughts, actions and feelings that open new possibilities for your future.
In Action, we take definitive, purposeful steps toward your desires. We create a plan, you commit to actions and I’ll hold you accountable to seeing it through. In this stage you attract positive energy and share a new found confidence and perspective with those you love. We will track your progress and celebrate, or correct your course as necessary.
Am I the coach for You?
If you are not interested in exploring your depths, I'm not the coach for you. If you want someone to hold your hand while you check items off a to-do list, I'm not the coach for you. If you want someone to join with you in kicking yourself in the ass, I’m not the coach for you. If you are intrigued by the idea of inner-sourced growth, if you are interested in allowing your life to unfold by listening to your deep desires, and finding the courage to move toward your authentic self, if you are tired of beating yourself up and ignoring the longings of your soul - I may be the coach for you. Coaching is not about me solving your problems, although problems will be solved, it is about YOUR discovery, YOUR awareness and YOUR choices. As your coach, I will empower you to find your own answers, shine a light on the gremlins that are in your head, courageously hold you accountable for your actions and move you towards discovering and fulfilling your life purpose.
I am so very interested in helping you discover that within you which longs to be expressed. Once you connect to that, you will uncover the answers that are right for you.
How it works
I do most of my coaching over the phone. This allows me to work with people all over the country, and it relieves you of the effort of driving through traffic to get to your appointment, finding parking, etc.
I start all of my potential clients off with a 60 minute Compimentarty Discovery Session. In this session you have the opportunity to get clear about what you want and what has been standing in your way. You also get a sense of what it would be like working with me. I will then propose to you what approach I would recommend for you based on what I learn. I also encourage all my clients to take the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (see the Energy Leadership tab of this site) as it helps you to understand your current level of energy (consciousness). After the first session we will meet every two weeks for the period we agree on. Most clients find a few months is what they need, others chose ongoing support over a few years. It's all up to you. Coaching with me is $150 a month for two sessions. Each session usually lasts 45-60 minutes.
Does this sound like the experience you're looking for? If so, send me an email at or fill out the fill out the Discovery Session box that pops on on the website and we can set up a time.
Other ways to work with me
In addition to my 1 on 1 coaching I work with clients in several other ways. I am a certified Energy Leadership Index Practioner and offer the powerful Energy Leadership Assessment and Debrief (see Energy Tab.) I am trained and certifed in Brené Brown's The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ curriculums and facilitate these life changing workshops on the topics of courage, compassion and connection (see The Daring Way tab.) Lastly, I am a life long learner and love few things more than a great personal growth book. So one of my joys is my New Possibilities Book Study. We come together to read and discuss a book I select based on the opportunities it presents for insight and growth (see Book Study tab.)