Happy New Year!
I love saying that!
Several times during the year I feel a sense of renewal. Definitely spring time when life starts bursting forth in nature, fall is a beautiful time of reflection and renewal for me, and of course, the beginning of a New Year!
There’s so much possibility as we contemplate the year ahead. Have you started to think about what you want in the New Year? We often make resolutions or goals to start the year, but I’ve started moving more toward aspirations and intentions lately, and I find that the words feel lighter to me. Maybe it’s all those years of goal setting in the corporate world that make them feel rigid and turn me off.
Whatever words work for you, I hope that you'll pause and reflect on the year that has passed and everything it has taught you, and the year that you’re about to create. As I set aspirations and intentions for the year I love stating them this way – wouldn’t it be fun if...? Try it! It takes all the heaviness out of thinking about what you want to accomplish.
Last year Marie Forleo shared a quick year-end review process that I found so easy, joyful and profound that I wanted to share it with you as we wrap up 2017 and move courageously into 2018. You can do it in 15 minutes or so. Just let it flow out of you.
Grab a journal or something to write on and your calendar from 2017 (it can help trigger your memory, if need be) and ask yourself these questions:
o What did I do, create or experience this year that I am really proud of?
o What mistakes did I make that taught me something?
o What am I willing to let go of?
o What resentments, hurts, guilt, shame, or embarrassments do I need to let go of?
o What stories do I need to let go of?
The answer to the first question may surprise you, it may not be your biggest accomplishment and I found that it brings such clarity about what you truly value.
Have fun with it!
Rumi said “Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.”
Here’s to letting go of 2017 and the New Possibilities of 2018! I think it’s going to be an amazing year!
With love,